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Compute the minimum detectable effect size in a meta-analysis of dependent effect size estimates, given a specified number of studies, power level, estimation method, and further assumptions about the distribution of studies.


  alpha = 0.05,
  target_power = 0.8,
  d = 0,
  model = "CHE",
  var_df = "RVE",
  sigma2_dist = NULL,
  n_ES_dist = NULL,
  iterations = 100,
  seed = NULL,
  warning = TRUE,
  upper = 2,
  show_lower = FALSE



Number of studies. Can be one value or a vector of multiple values.


Between-study SD. Can be one value or a vector of multiple values.


Within-study SD. Can be one value or a vector of multiple values.


Correlation coefficient between effect size estimates from the same study. Can be one value or a vector of multiple values.


Level of statistical significance. Can be one value or a vector of multiple values. Default is 0.05.


Numerical value specifying the target power level. Can be one value or a vector of multiple values.


Contrast value. Can be one value or a vector of multiple values. Default is 0.


Assumed working model for dependent effect sizes, either "CHE" for the correlated-and-hierarchical effects model, "CE" for the correlated effects model, or "MLMA" for the multi-level meta-analysis model. Default is "CHE". Can be one value or a vector of multiple values.


Indicates the technique used to obtain the sampling variance of the average effect size estimate and the degrees of freedom, either "Model" for model-based variance estimator with degrees of freedom of J - 1, "Satt" for model-based variance estimator with Satterthwaite degrees of freedom, or "RVE" for robust variance estimator with Satterthwaite degrees of freedom. Default is "RVE". Can be one value or a vector of multiple values.


Distribution of sampling variance estimates from each study. Can be either a single value, a vector of plausible values, or a function that generates random values.


Distribution of the number of effect sizes per study. Can be either a single value, a vector of plausible values, or a function that generates random values.


Number of iterations per condition (default is 100).


Numerical value for a seed to ensure reproducibility of the iterated power approximations.


Logical indicating whether to return a warning when either sigma2_dist or n_ES_dist is based on balanced assumptions.


Numerical value containing the upper bound of the interval to be searched for the MDES.


Logical value indicating whether to report lower bound of the interval searched for the MDES. Default is FALSE.


Returns a tibble with information about the expectation of the number of studies, the between-study and within-study variance components, the sample correlation, the contrast effect, the level of statistical significance, the target power value(s), the minimum detectable effect size, the number of iterations, the model to handle dependent effect sizes, and the methods used to obtain sampling variance estimates as well as the number effect sizes per study.


  J = 30,
  tau = 0.05,
  omega = 0.02,
  rho = 0.2,
  model = "CHE",
  var_df = "RVE",
  sigma2_dist = 4 / 100,
  n_ES_dist = 6,
  seed = 10052510
#> Warning: Notice: It is generally recommended not to draw on balanced assumptions regarding the study precision (sigma2js) or the number of effect sizes per study (kjs). See Figures 2A and 2B in Vembye, Pustejovsky, and Pigott (2022).
#> # A tibble: 1 × 12
#>       J   tau omega   rho     d alpha target_power   MDES iterations model  
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>  
#> 1    30  0.05  0.02   0.2     0  0.05          0.8 0.0667        100 CHE-RVE
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: samp_method_sigma2 <chr>, samp_method_kj <chr>