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This function creates the initial data that can be used to fine tune models from OpenAI.


generate_ft_data(data, prompt, studyid, title, abstract)



Dataset containing the titles and abstracts.


Prompt(s) to be added before the title and abstract.


Unique Study ID. If missing, this is generated automatically.


Name of the variable containing the title information.


Name of variable containing the abstract information.


A dataset of class 'ft_data'.


The dataset contains at least the following variables:

studyidinteger/character/factorindicating the study ID of the reference.
titlecharacterindicating the title of the reference.
abstractcharacterindicating the abstract of the reference.
questioncharacterindicating the final question sent to OpenAI's GPT API models for training.

See also


# Extract 5 irrelevant and relevant records, respectively.
dat <- filges2015_dat[c(1:5, 261:265),]

prompt <- "Is this study about functional family therapy?"

dat <-
    data = dat,
    prompt = prompt,
    studyid = studyid,
    title = title,
    abstract = abstract

#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    author                     eppi_id human_code studyid title abstract question
#>    <chr>                      <chr>        <dbl> <fct>   <chr> <chr>    <chr>   
#>  1 Holloway R G and Gramling… 9434957          0 1       Esti… "Progno… "Is thi…
#>  2 Morawska Alina and Stallm… 9433838          0 2       Self… "Behavi… "Is thi…
#>  3 Michel C M and Pascual-Ma… 9431171          0 3       Freq… "The to… "Is thi…
#>  4 Paul Howard A              9433968          0 4       A Re… "The ar… "Is thi…
#>  5 Feinberg I and De Bie E a… 9434460          0 5       Topo… "STUDY … "Is thi…
#>  6 James S and Alemi Q and Z… 9434933          1 261     Effe… "Purpos… "Is thi…
#>  7 Hendriks V and van der Sc… 9435035          1 262     Matc… "Backgr… "Is thi…
#>  8 Mccart M R and Henggeler … 9435045          1 263     Syst… "This s… "Is thi…
#>  9 Danielson C K and Mccart … 9435049          1 264     Redu… "The cu… "Is thi…
#> 10 Smeerdijk M and Keet R an… 9435056          1 265     Moti… "Backgr… "Is thi…