An ANCOVA puzzler
James E. Pustejovsky
Doing effect size calculations for meta-analysis is a good way to lose your faith in humanity—or at least your faith in researchers’ abilities to do anything like sensible statistical inference. Try it, and you’re surely encounter head-scratchingly weird ways that authors have reported even simple analyses, like basic group comparisons. When you encounter this sort of thing, you have two paths: you can despair, curse, and/or throw things, or you can view the studies as curious little puzzles—brain-teasers, if you will—to keep you awake and prevent you from losing track of those notes you took during your stats courses, back when. Here’s one of those curious little puzzles, which I recently encountered in helping a colleague with a meta-analysis project.
A researcher conducts a randomized experiment, assigning participants to each of groups. Each participant is assessed on a variable at pre-test and at post-test (we can assume there’s no attrition). In their study write-up, the researcher reports sample sizes for each group, means and standard deviations for each group at pre-test and at post-test, and adjusted means at post-test, where the adjustment is done using a basic analysis of covariance, controlling for pre-test scores only. The data layout looks like this:
Group | Pre-test | Pre-test | Post-test | Post-test | Adjusted post-test | |
Group A | ||||||
Group B | ||||||
Note that the write-up does not provide an estimate of the correlation between the pre-test and the post-test, nor does it report a standard deviation or standard error for the mean change-score between pre-test and post-test within each group. All we have are the summary statistics, plus the adjusted post-test scores. We can assume that the adjustment was done according to the basic ANCOVA model, assuming a common slope across groups as well as homoskedasticity and so on. The model is then for and , where is an independent error term that is assumed to have constant variance across groups.
For realz?
Here’s an example with real data, drawn from Table 2 of Murawski (2006):
Group | Pre-test | Pre-test | Post-test | Post-test | Adjusted post-test | |
Group A | 25 | 37.48 | 4.64 | 37.96 | 4.35 | 37.84 |
Group B | 26 | 36.85 | 5.18 | 36.46 | 3.86 | 36.66 |
Group C | 16 | 37.88 | 3.88 | 37.38 | 4.76 | 36.98 |
That study reported this information for each of several outcomes, with separate analyses for each of two sub-groups (LD and NLD). The text also reports that they used a two-level hierarchical linear model for the ANCOVA adjustment. For simplicity, let’s just ignore the hierarchical linear model aspect and assume that it’s a straight, one-level ANCOVA.
The puzzler
Calculate an estimate of the standardized mean difference between group and group , along with the sampling variance of the SMD estimate, that adjusts for pre-test differences between groups. Candidates for numerator of the SMD include the adjusted mean difference, or the difference-in-differences, . In either case, the tricky bit is finding the sampling variance of this quantity, which involves the pre-post correlation. For the denominator of the SMD, you use the post-test SD, either pooled across just groups and or pooled across all groups, assuming a common population variance.
The solution
The key here is to recognize that you can calculate , the estimated slope of the within-group pre-post relationship, based on the difference between the adjusted group means and the raw post-test means. Then the pre-post correlation can be derived from the . In the ANCOVA model, where is the overall mean across groups, or with . Thus, we can back out from the reported summary statistics for group as Actually, we get estimates of —one from each group. Taking a weighted average seems sensible here, so we end up with Now, let denote the sample correlation between pre-test and post-test, after partialing out differences in means for each group. This correlation is related to as where and are the standard deviations of the pre-test and post-test, respectively, pooled across all groups.
Here’s the result of carrying out these calculations with the example data from Murawski (2006):
dat <- tibble(
Group = c("A","B","C"),
N = c(25, 26, 16),
m_pre = c(37.48, 36.85, 37.88),
sd_pre = c(4.64, 5.18, 3.88),
m_post = c(37.96, 36.46, 37.38),
sd_post = c(4.35, 3.86, 4.76),
m_adj = c(37.84, 36.66, 36.98)
corr_est <-
dat %>%
m_pre_pooled = weighted.mean(m_pre, w = N),
beta_hat = (m_post - m_adj) / (m_pre - m_pre_pooled)
) %>%
df = sum(N - 1),
s_sq_x = sum((N - 1) * sd_pre^2) / df,
s_sq_y = sum((N - 1) * sd_post^2) / df,
beta_hat = weighted.mean(beta_hat, w = N)
) %>%
r = beta_hat * sqrt(s_sq_x / s_sq_y)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 5
#> df s_sq_x s_sq_y beta_hat r
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 64 22.1 18.2 0.636 0.700
From here, we can calculate the numerator of the SMD a few different ways.
One option would be to take the between-group difference in pre-post differences (a.k.a., the diff-in-diff): Assuming that the within-group variance of the pre-test and the within-group variance of the post-test are equal (and constant across groups), then where is the within-group population variance of the post-test and is the population correlation between pre- and post. Dividing by gives an estimate of the standardized mean difference between group B and group A, with approximate sampling variance where is the SMD parameter. The variance can be estimated by substituting estimates of and : If you would prefer to pool the post-test standard deviation across groups and only, then replace with in the second term of .
Regression adjustment
An alternative to the diff-in-diff approach is to use the regression-adjusted mean difference between group and group as the numerator of the SMD. Here, we would calculate the standardized mean difference as Now, the variance of the regression-adjusted mean difference is approximately from which it follows that the variance of the regression-adjusted SMD is approximately Again, the variance can be estimated by substituting estimates of and : If you would prefer to pool the post-test standard deviation across groups and only, then replace with in the second term of .
The regression-adjusted effect size estimator will always have smaller sampling variance than the diff-in-diff estimator (under the assumptions given above) and so it would seem to be generally preferable. The main reason I could see for using the diff-in-diff estimator is if it was the only thing that could be calculated for the other studies included in a synthesis.
Numerical example
Here I calculate both estimates and their corresponding variances with the example data from Murawski (2006):
diffs <-
dat %>%
filter(Group %in% c("A","B")) %>%
diff_pre = diff(m_pre),
diff_post = diff(m_post),
diff_adj = diff(m_adj),
inv_n = sum(1 / N)
d_est <-
diffs %>%
d_DD = (diff_post - diff_pre) / sqrt(corr_est$s_sq_y),
V_DD = 2 * (1 - corr_est$r) * inv_n + d_DD^2 / (2 * corr_est$df),
d_reg = diff_adj / sqrt(corr_est$s_sq_y),
V_reg = (1 - corr_est$r^2) * inv_n + d_DD^2 / (2 * corr_est$df),
d_est %>%
select(d_DD, V_DD, d_reg, V_reg)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#> d_DD V_DD d_reg V_reg
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 -0.204 0.0474 -0.276 0.0403
The effect size estimates are rather discrepant, which is a bit worrisome.