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Data from a meta-analysis of the effects of targeted school-based interventions on reading and mathematics for students with or at risk of academic difficulties in Grades K-6 (Dietrichson et al., 2021)




A tibble with 1334 rows/studies and 71 variables/columns

Authorscharactervariable with short-hand information about authors.
Study_IDintegerNumber identifying the study cluster.
TitlecharacterTitle of report/journal article.
OutletcharacterVariable with information about outlet for the study, i.e., either a journal or a dissertation or a report etc.
CountrycharacterVariable with information about the country where the intervention was conducted.
LanguagecharacterVariable with information about the language used in the study.
Publishing_statuscharacterIndicator equal to one if the study has been published in a journal.
RCT_QEScharacterVariable denoting whether the effect size is from a RCT or a QES
Level_treatment_assignmentcharacterVariable indicating the level of treatment assignment.
Test_subjectcharacterVariable denoting the subject of test the effect size is based on (reading or math).
Estimation_methodcharacterVariable indicating the type of estimation method the effect estimate is taken from (e.g., raw means, adjusted means, regression adjusted).
Effectsize_gnumericEffect size, Hedges' g, not adjusted for clustering.
SE_gnumericThe standard error of the effect size, not adjusted for clustering.


Dietrichson, J., Filges, T., Seerup, J. K., Klokker, R. H., Viinholt, B. C. A., Bøg, M., & Eiberg, M. (2021). Targeted school-based interventions for improving reading and mathematics for students with or at risk of academic difficulties in Grades K-6: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 17(2), e1152. doi:10.1002/cl2.1152