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The function calculates the design effect used to cluster bias adjust sampling variance estimates that does not take into account clustering in one treatment group. The design effect is given as the second term in Equation (6) in Hedges & Citkowitz (2015, p. 6). The design effect is denoted as \(\eta\) in WWC (2021). The same notion is used here and gave name to the function.


eta_1armcluster(N_total, Nc, avg_grp_size, ICC, sqrt = FALSE)



Numerical value indicating the total sample size of the study.


Numerical value indicating the sample size of the arm/group that does not contain clustering.


Numerical value indicating the average cluster size.


Numerical value indicating the intra-class correlation (ICC) value.


Logical indicating if the square root of \(\eta\) should be calculated. Default is FALSE.


Returns a numerical value for the design effect \(\eta\) when there is clustering in one treatment group only.


When calculating effect sizes from cluster-designed studies that do not properly account for clustering in one treatment group, it recommended (Hedges, 2007, 2011; Hedges & Citkowitz, 2015; WWC, 2021) to multiply a design effect, \(\eta\) to the first term of the variance \(g_T\) that captures the contribution of the variance of mean effect difference. The design effect when there is clustering in one treatment group only is given by

$$\eta = 1 + \left( \dfrac{nN^C}{N}-1 \right)\rho $$

where \(N\) is the total samples size, \(N^C\) is the sample size of the group without clustering, \(n\) is the average cluster size, and \(\rho\) is the (often imputed) intraclass correlation.

Multiplying the design effect to posttest measures

To illustrate this procedure, let the naive estimator of Hedges' \(g\) be

$$g_{naive} = J\times \left(\dfrac{\bar{Y}^T_{\bullet\bullet} - \bar{Y}^C_{\bullet}}{S_T} \right)$$

where \(J = 1 - 3/(4df-1)\), \(\bar{Y}^T_{\bullet\bullet}\) it the average treatment effect for the treatment group containing clustering, \(\bar{Y}^C_{\bullet}\) is the average treatment effect for the group without clustering, and \(S_T\) is the standard deviation ignoring clustering. To account for the fact that \(S_T\) systematically underestimates the true standard deviation, \(\sigma_T\), making \(g\) larger than the true values of \(g\), i.e., \(\delta\), the cluster-adjusted effect size can be obtained from

$$g_T = g_{naive}\sqrt{1 - \dfrac{(N^C+n-2)\rho}{N-2}}$$

if a study did not properly adjust for clustering, the sampling variance of \(g_T\) (when based on posttest measures only) is given by

$$v_{g_T} = \left(\dfrac{1}{N^T} + \dfrac{1}{N^C}\right) \eta + \dfrac{g^2_T}{2h} $$

where \(N^T\) is the sample size of the treatment group containing clustering and \(h\) is given by

$$ h = \dfrac{[(N-2)(1-\rho) + (N^T-n)\rho]^2} {(N-2)(1-\rho)^2 + (N^T-n)n\rho^2 + 2(N^T-n)(1-\rho)\rho}$$

where \(N\) is the total sample size. See also df_h_1armcluster.

The reason why we do not multiply \(J^2\) to \(v_{g_T}\), as otherwise suggested by Borenstein et al. (2009, p. 27) and Hedges & Citkowitz (2015, p. 1299), is that Hedges et al. (2023, p. 12) showed in a simulation that multiplying \(J^2\) to \(v_{g_T}\) underestimates the true variance.

Multiplying the design effect to adjusted measures

We do also use the design effect \(\eta\) for cluster-bias adjustment of variance estimates from pre-test and/or covariate adjusted measures. See Table 1 below.

Table 1
Sampling variance estimates for \(g_T\) across various models for handling cluster, estimation techniques, and reported quantities.

Calculation type/
reported quantities
Cluster-adjusted (model)
sampling variance
Not cluster-adjusted (model)
sampling variance
ANCOVA, adj. means
\(R^2, N^T, N^C\)
\((1-R^2) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2(h-q)}.\)\((1-R^2) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2(h-q)}.\)
ANCOVA, adj. means
\(R^2_{imputed}, N^T, N^C\)
\((1-0^2) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2(h-q)}.\)\((1-0^2) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2(h-q)}.\)
ANCOVA, adj. means
\(F, (t^2), N^T, N^C\)
\(\left(\frac{g^2_T}{F}\right) \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2(h-q)}.\)\(\left(\frac{g^2_T}{F}\right) \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2(h-q)}.\)
ANCOVA, pretest only
\(F, (t^2), N^T, N^C\)
\(\left(\frac{g^2_T}{F}\right) \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)\(\left(\frac{g^2_T}{F}\right) \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)
ANCOVA, pretest only
\(r, N^T, N^C\)
\((1-r^2) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)\((1-r^2) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)
Reg coef
\(SE, S_T, N^T, N^C\)
\(\left(\frac{SE}{S_T}\right)^2 \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2(h-q)}.\)\(\left(\frac{SE}{S_T}\right)^2 \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2(h-q)}.\)
Reg coef, pretest only
\(SE, S_T, N^T, N^C\)
\(\left(\frac{SE}{S_T}\right)^2 \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)\(\left(\frac{SE}{S_T}\right)^2 \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)
Std. reg coef
\(SE_{std}, N^T, N^C\)
\(SE^2_{std} \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2(h-q)}.\)\(SE^2_{std} \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2(h-q)}.\)
Std. reg coef, pretest only
\(SE_{std}, N^T, N^C\)
\(SE^2_{std} \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)\(SE^2_{std} \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)
DiD, gain scores
\(r, N^T, N^C\)
\(2(1-r) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)\(2(1-r) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)
DiD, gain scores
\(r_{imputed}, N^T, N^C\)
\(2(1-.5) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)\(2(1-.5) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)
DiD, gain scores
\(t, N^T, N^C\)
\(\left(\frac{g^2}{t^2}\right) \gamma + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)\(\left(\frac{g^2}{t^2}\right) \eta + \frac{g^2_T}{2h}.\)

Note: \(R^2\) "is the multiple correlation between the covariates and the outcome" (WWC, 2021), \(\gamma = 1 - (N^C+n-2)\rho/(N-2)\), see eta_1armcluster, \(r\) is the pre-posttest correlation, and \(q\) is the number of covariates. Std. = standardized.

"It is often desired in practice to adjust for multiple baseline characteristics. The problem of \(q\) covariates is a straightforward extension of the single covariate case (...): The correlation coefficient estimate \(r\) is now obtained by taking the square root of the coefficient of multiple determination, \(R^2\)" (Hedges et al. 2023, p. 17) and \(df = h-q\).

Multiplying the design effect to effect size difference-in-differences
Furthermore, \(\eta\) can be used to correct effect size difference-in-differences as given in Table 2

Table 2
Sampling variance estimates for effect size difference-in-differences

Calculation type/
reported quantities
Cluster-adjusted (model)
sampling variance
Not cluster-adjusted (model)
sampling variance
Effect size DiD
\(r, N^T, N^C\)
\(2(1-r) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \gamma + \frac{g^2_{post} + g^2_{pre}r^2 - 2g_{pre}g_{post}r^2}{2h}.\)\(2(1-r) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \eta + \frac{g^2_{post} + g^2_{pre}r^2 - 2g_{pre}g_{post}r^2}{2h}.\)
Effect size DiD
\(r_{imputed}, N^T, N^C\)
\(2(1-.5) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \gamma + \frac{g^2_{post} + g^2_{pre}r^2 - 2g_{pre}g_{post}r^2}{2h}.\)\(2(1-.5) \left(\frac{1}{N^T} + \frac{1}{N^C}\right) \eta + \frac{g^2_{post} + g^2_{pre}r^2 - 2g_{pre}g_{post}r^2}{2h}.\)


Read Taylor et al. (2020) to understand why we use the \(g_T\) notation. Find suggestions for how and which ICC values to impute when these are unknown (Hedges & Hedberg, 2007, 2013).


Borenstein, M., Hedges, L. V., Higgins, J. P. T., & Rothstein, H. R. (2009). Introduction to meta-analysis (1st ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Hedges, L. V. (2007). Effect sizes in cluster-randomized designs. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 32(4), 341–370. doi:10.3102/1076998606298043

Hedges, L. V. (2011). Effect sizes in three-level cluster-randomized experiments. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 36(3), 346–380. doi:10.3102/1076998610376617

Hedges, L. V., & Citkowicz, M (2015). Estimating effect size when there is clustering in one treatment groups. Behavior Research Methods, 47(4), 1295-1308. doi:10.3758/s13428-014-0538-z

Hedges, L. V., & Hedberg, E. C. (2007). Intraclass correlation values for planning group-randomized trials in education. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 29(1), 60–87. doi:10.3102/0162373707299706

Hedges, L. V., & Hedberg, E. C. (2013). Intraclass correlations and covariate outcome correlations for planning two- and three-Level cluster-randomized experiments in education. Evaluation Review, 37(6), 445–489. doi:10.1177/0193841X14529126

Hedges, L. V, Tipton, E., Zejnullahi, R., & Diaz, K. G. (2023). Effect sizes in ANCOVA and difference-in-differences designs. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. doi:10.1111/bmsp.12296

Taylor, J.A., Pigott, T.D., & Williams, R. (2020) Promoting knowledge accumulation about intervention effects: Exploring strategies for standardizing statistical approaches and effect size reporting. Educational Researcher, 51(1), 72-80. doi:10.3102/0013189X211051319

What Works Clearinghouse (2021). Supplement document for Appendix E and the What Works Clearinghouse procedures handbook, version 4.1 Institute of Education Science.


N <- 100
Nc <- 40
n <- 5
rho <- 0.1

eta_1armcluster(N_total = N, Nc = Nc, avg_grp_size = n, ICC = rho)
#> [1] 1.1

# Testing function
round(1 + (n*Nc/N - 1)*rho, 3)
#> [1] 1.1